%% Defining \proclaim style Remark, Lemmas, Theorem, Corollary, etc \defineenumeration[remark] [text=Remark, location=serried, width=fit, right={.~}] \setupenumerations[remark] [prefix=yes, prefixsegments=section] % or prefixsegments=chapter:section \setupnumber[remark][way=bysection] \defineenumeration[lemma] [text=Lemma, location=serried, width=fit, counter=remark, % only use counter of remark style=slanted, right={.~}] \setupenumerations[lemma] [prefix=yes, prefixsegments=section] \defineenumeration[theorem] [text=Theorem, location=serried, width=fit, counter=remark, style=slanted, right={.~}] \setupenumerations[theorem] [prefix=yes, prefixsegments=section] \starttext \title{First and only title of the article} This file has been typeset on \currentdate{} at \currenttime, with \doifmodeelse{mkiv} {mkiv, LuaTeX version \the\luatexversion, LuaTeX revision \luatexrevision, (LuaTeX date stamp \luatexdatestamp), using the command: \par \type{context basic-test.tex}\par} {mkii, using the command: \par \type{texexec basic-test.tex}\par} ConTeXt version \contextversion. Here we don't have any section. \startremark This is a silly remark. \stopremark \startlemma[lem:elem] This is an elementary result. \stoplemma \starttheorem This is a deep theorem. \stoptheorem \startremark This is a silly remark. \stopremark \startlemma This is an elementary result. \stoplemma \starttheorem This is a deep theorem. \stoptheorem \section{This is a section} Here we do have a section. \startremark This is a silly remark. \stopremark \startlemma This is an elementary result. \stoplemma \starttheorem This is a deep theorem. \stoptheorem \startremark[rem:silly] This is a silly remark. \stopremark \startlemma This is an elementary result. \stoplemma \starttheorem[thm:deep] This is a deep theorem. \stoptheorem As mentioned in remark \in[rem:silly], the results of lemma \in[lem:elem] and that of theorem \in[thm:deep] are trivial. \stoptext